Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Muff the Tragic Wagon....

Yes have jumped on the bandwagon following the popularity of Caryn and Dan's Blog. We enjoy our weekly dose of C & D and thought it was a great idea. So here we are, dreading the last few days of our summer holidays and sitting inside as it is a gloomy August day. But wait....you may not know us so allow me the honour to introduce ourselves.

Constellation: Gemini
Favorite food: Yams
Type of vehicle: Dogsled
Thing she can't stand about Nate: His amazing head of hair.

Constellation: Saggistarius. No, Sagitarius. The half horse-half man.
Favorite food: Plum nuts.
Type of vehicle: Unicycle
Thing he can't stand about Jamie: How clean and orderly her house is.

There. Now you know everything you need to know about us. If this did not answer every possible question in every way, please tell us. Now we will end with a song....In fact I think i'll end with a song every week....

Muff the Tragic Wagon lived by the street
And rolled along the boulevard,
through rain and snow and sleet.
Little Tommy Pumpkin
loved that wagon, Muff,
And rolled him home and filled him up
With toys and other stuff.

Together they would travel along the avenue
Tommy hanging out his leg would scuff his Sunday shoe.
Taxi cabs and buses would honk as they went past,
Tragic wagons never seem to need to stop for gas.


Children live forever, but not so children's toys,
Wagons can't forever be a friend to little boys.
And one gray day it happened while Tommy took his nap,
A garbage truck ran over Muff and turned him into scrap.


Little Tommy Pumpkin said just off the cuff,There will never be another tragic wagon, Muff.

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