Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trick or Treat?!

So our camera ran out of battery before the trick or treating started the other night so here a couple of pictures I caught on my phone. These will have to tie you over until I get a few pics from the family to post!

Our little butterfly waiting patiently for Mom to take her around the block!

Elly was so excited that night. Every house we went to she stepped just inside the door and waited for someone to hand her a "treat". She would then put it in the bag and wave goodbye. Some houses she found more interesting that others, I think she wanted to move in with June down the street and of course she had a big visit at both Grandma and Grandpa's houses.

So excited to have received a deck of playing cards from one of the neighbors. Ellyanna didn't get many treats as she was collecting for the food bank. She raised $60 and a big bag of food for the Red Deer food bank.


  1. Adorable! Love the rosy cheeks. What a sweetie!!!

  2. Wow, what a cute little girl you have. She sure is growing up fast. Looks like you are enjoying being a Dad!!!

    Becky :)

  3. Thank you for bringing Ellyanna by, even though she was so tired she fell asleep sitting up! Amazingly, she woke up a few minutes later, happy as ever! Such a cute butterfly!
